Are you living your Priorities?
If I ask you the question, “What are your priorities?”, you probably have a quick answer for me. Most of us will say family and kids, and hopefully this is true because I know from experience and observation that there is usually room for improvement here. If your family is your priority, then what should your life look like to correspond with that level of importance? What are your other priorities? Work, or faith or hobbies or exercise? Or even your house? Some of us spend a lot of time in our houses and I hope it is relaxing for you. If that is a priority for you, great! Own it. You get to choose!
Get your priorities straight!
What I want you to do is to define your priorities, make an honest assessment of what you think your priorities are and ask yourself if the time and attention you are giving to those things are in line with what you say your priorities are. If you say family is the most important thing, are you turning off your phone at 7 or 8 and hanging out with your kids and spouse, or are your evenings still full of work? If building your business is a priority, are you taking classes to learn how to do that better or just waiting for something to happen? If you want to get out of debt, do you have a plan that you are working on with diligence?
If it is important to us, we need to own the fact that we want to make progress in that area and make a plan to spend time and attention on it.
This is about taking an honest look at where we spend our time, attention and money. Then, asking ourselves if we are spending enough of these on our defined priorities. Or honestly recognizing that we might be spending time, attention and money on things that really aren’t that important to us and deciding that it is time to make a change.
Live your best life now
And this change is yours to make. Sure, it requires motivation and accountability to achieve, but almost everything we decide to do requires this. You only have to focus on what is important and I promise you that the beautiful results are worth it.